Rheumatoid Arthritis + Elbow Pain
Steroids, such as prednisone, are commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and may reduce pain and swelling in the affected elbow and slow down joint damage to the elbow.
Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs are used to slow the progression of RA and protect the joints for further damage. Commonly used DMARD's include methotrexate, leflunomide and hydroxychloroquine.
Visco Supplementation
KVBC-TV, an NBC News affiliate in Las Vegas, tells readers on its website about a treatment called Visco Supplementation. The treatment is reported to relieve up to 80 percent of arthritis related pain. Doctors inject collagen into the elbow joint, creating lubrication and reducing pain.
Gold Treatment
Gold has shown promise as an arthritis treatment when altered into a chemical form, reducing the inflammation of arthritis and alleviating pain in the affected elbow.
In Ireland, a new pharmaceutical called RoActemra was put into trials as an RA treatment. Nearly 50 percent of all the patients tested experienced a remission of their rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.