How to Relieve the Pain From RA
Things You'll Need
- Supplements
- Ice
- Medication
Ease the aches with Omega-3. There are several benefits to taking Omega-3, or fish oil supplements. This natural anti-inflammatory can reduce pain and ward off serious health conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure.
Fight RA pain with glucosamine supplements. Take as advised.
Soothe pain with ice. Place a cold cloth or ice pack on inflamed areas to reduce pain naturally. Apply in 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off cycles.
Manage pain with heat. Apply heat to relax and relieve pain associated with muscle tension. Use a hot cloth or heating pad, or sit in a hot bath.
Give yourself time to heal. An injury or fatigue can slow you down and aggravate RA. Get plenty of rest and sleep to help reduce pain, and stay away from activities that complicate your condition.
Consider moderate exercise. Maintain strong and flexible joints with exercises such as walking and swimming--about 30 minutes a day, a minimum of three times a week.
Use ibuprofen and other over the counter medications to control inflammation and pain, or ask your doctor about prescription medications to reduce joint pain. Take as directed.