Stretches to Relieve Arthritis Pain
Twists are generally good stretches for arthritis. Lyengar recommends Half Lord of the Fishes pose (ardha matsyendrasana) and Revolved Triangle (parivrtta trikonasana) as stretches to relieve arthritis pain.
Back Extensions
"Arthritis Today" suggests stretching the chest muscles to relieve arthritis pain in the back. Back bends such as Bridge (setubandhasana), Cobra (bhujangasana), Camel (ustrasana) and Wheel (chakrasana) stretch the chest and increase range of motion in the spine.
Shoulder Stretches
One of the best yoga stretches for arthritis in the shoulders is the arm position for Cow-Face pose (gomukhasana). A strap can be held if your hands cannot touch behind your back.
Other Stretches
Other yoga stretches to relieve arthritis pain include Triangle (trikonasana), Warrior I (virabhadrasana), Downward Facing Dog (Adho Murka Svanasana) and Extended Side Angle (Parsvakonasana). Gentle stretching of the neck, hands and feet can also help relieve arthritis pain.
According to "Reader's Digest," stress relief also relieves arthritis pain, and stretching is known to reduce stress and relieve muscle tension. Stretching in a moderately heated room or in hot water can also relieve arthritis pain.