Exercises for Arthritic Shoulder Pain
Range of Motion
Discuss exercise with your doctor before beginning any new program of physical activity. Range-of-motion exercises are designed to help you improve your ability to move the shoulder without pain.
Applying heat to your affected shoulder before your exercise can help lessen the pain and make your exercises easier.
Begin by bending over and dangling your affected arm in front of you. Make small circles with your arm. Stop the exercise if you are experiencing shoulder pain. Do a few of these repetitions every day and build up the strength and range of motion in your shoulders. Increase the size of the circle as much as possible each day. The larger the size of the circle the greater you are working the shoulders.
Stretch the muscles by lifting the affected shoulder with your other arm and place it on a bureau or dresser. Bend your knees until the arm is lifted over your head. Stop the exercise if it is too painful to continue.
Strength Training
Do not perform strength-training exercises while your shoulders are still in pain. Strength training for your shoulder is performed with rubber bands for resistance. Hold your arms at your side with the rubber band in your hands. Slowly move your arms away from your side and rotate your arms forward. You can also exercise one shoulder at a time by using a doorknob and rubber band.
You should expect soreness in your muscles when doing these exercises, but you should not feel sharp pain. Stop the exercise immediately if you experience sharp pains. Discuss these exercises with your doctor to make sure that you are capable of performing strength-training exercises. A physical therapist will be able to help you find exercises that will work with your shoulder arthritis.
Rest your shoulder between exercise sessions. When you are feeling pain in your shoulder from arthritis it is important to balance rest and exercise. Stop stretching exercises and range-of-motion activities if you feel pain. Perform the exercises as much as you can without pain and gradually build up your endurance.
Never exercise to the point of pain. Pain is your body's way of letting you know to rest the shoulder.