Arthritic Joint Pain Treatment
Diet and Exercise
In his book "Balanced Healing," Dr. Altshuler recommends eliminating certain substances and foods to reduce pain. These include additives, preservatives, red meat, dairy, certain herbs and spices and alcohol. Aerobic and resistance exercises help keep joints from stiffening up or freezing.
Laser Treatment and Infrasound
According to Dr. Altshuler, low-level energy lasers help heal tissues and prevent joint deterioration. Infrasound increases local circulation of lymph and blood and also produces hyaluronic acid, which lubricates the joints.
Dr. Altshuler recommends acupuncture for long-lasting relief. Acupuncture helps lessen pain, stiffness and swelling.
Topical Solutions
Natural topical solutions offer short-term relief for arthritic pain. These include capsaicin, emu oil, long crystal menthol, glucosomine/MSM and other herbal combinations.
Supplements can help reduce the pain and stiffness of arthritis. These include glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, sea cucumber and cetyl myristoleate.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can relieve arthritic joint pain. Over-the-counter NSAIDs include naproxen and ibuprofen; Relafen and COX-2 inhibitors are prescription NSAIDs.