Arthritis of the Knee Natural Cures
If you are interested in a natural way to treat arthritis of the knee, consider turmeric. Turmeric is a commonly used spice and has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine throughout history. The spice is a powerful anti-inflammatory, which explains why it may relieve swelling and pain in arthritic knees. Look for a supplement containing turmeric as its active ingredient and see what it can do for you. Make sure you consult your doctor first, though.
The enzyme bromelain comes from the stem and fruit of pineapples and may be an effective way to treat arthritis in the knees. In Germany, bromelain is a common prescription for inflammatory conditions. It works in a similar manner at reducing pain and inflammation as NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) pain relievers.
Tart cherries are a well known natural treatment for gout and, according to Baylor Research Institute, they may be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis knee pain. When eaten regularly, it is possible that tart cherries may significantly reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis in the knees.
Pycogenol, or pine bark extract, is another promising natural treatment for arthritis of the knees. Pycogenol is a powerful antioxidant, which may help reduce stiffness and improve knee function when taken for several months. Talk to your doctor about starting a pycogenol supplement regimen for your arthritis.
Another natural option for arthritis knee pain is boswellia, an Indian tree with a special resin. The resin of the boswellia tree contains anti-inflammatory properties, which may benefit those with knee pain due to rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. Boswellia is available in supplement form. Talk to your doctor to see if boswellia may work for you.