How to Relieve Knee Arthritis
Arthritis is one of the most common afflictions in America today. Because of how the knee is built, it is subject to tremendous stress and, at some point, is likely to develop some form of arthritis. Arthritis is the wearing away of the protective cartilage around the knee joint, and the resulting damage causes pain and inflammation. Knowing how to relieve some of the pain can be a huge help for arthritis sufferers.Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Towels
- Pillows
- Heating pad
- Topical analgesic
- Bath
- Blankets
How to Relieve Knee Arthritis
Begin with getting off the knee and elevating it. Place the knee above hip level and apply an ice pack. Ice the knee for at least 20 minutes. Be sure to place a towel between your flesh and the ice pack, to avoid frostbite.
Take an over-the-counter NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) such as ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen. These drugs work particularly well on arthritis pain, as they reduce swelling and inflammation as well as pain.
Apply a topical analgesic to the sore knee and reapply as instructed on the label directions.
Take a warm bath before bed, then apply a heating pad to the knee while in bed. Make sure the heating pad is one that shuts off automatically. If you fall asleep with a heating pad on it can cause severe burns.
Place an extra blanket over your knees at night. Keeping your arthritic knees warm, especially at night when your body temperature lowers, is the key to keeping them from aching.