Rheumatoid Arthritis Joint Inflammation Treatments
WomanToWoman.com instructs patients to concentrate on including foods in their diet that are rich in natural anti-inflammatories. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are ideal, and include fruits, vegetables and nuts.
New Treatment
Ben-Gurion University in Israel has conducted research using the anti-inflammatory drug BL-3030 to treat rheumatoid arthritis. They found that the drug controls the body's production of a protein that causes inflammation.
In Las Vegas, the local NBC News affiliate reported that a treatment called Viscosupplementation can relieve arthritis pain and swelling by injecting collagen into the knee joint, which lubricates it and reduces symptoms.
Joint Protection
Arthritis.org tells site visitors that learning joint-protection techniques can help patients keep inflammation to a minimum. For example, using wraps or braces may help.
ArthritisToday.org warns people suffering with rheumatoid arthritis inflammation to fight the temptation to avoid all movement when in pain. This is actually counterproductive and can make the problem worse. Gentle movement and stretching and continuing daily activities as much as possible help reduce inflammation.