What Food Can Cause a Rheumatoid Flare Up?
Stone Age
If you suspect certain foods contribute to arthritic flare ups, Dr. Jonathan Brostoff, professor of allergy and environmental health at Kings College London, suggests you get primitive with your food selection.
Primitive Diet
The so-called Stone Age diet consists of fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. One month on this diet should establish whether or not you have food sensitivity. If you do, 30 days of eating like this should reduce inflammation.
Next Step
The next step is to re-introduce foods one at a time to see which particular foods might be causing your arthritic symptoms.
Gouty Arthritis
High purine foods like bacon, liver, turkey, along with alcohol, can cause a flare-up with this type of arthritis.
RA Significance
Dr. Rob Danoff says his RA patients have noticed a strong link between certain foods and RA flare-ups, in particular highly refined breads, pastries, fatty foods and sugary drinks.