How to Sleep With Arthritis Pain in a Hip

Arthritic hip pain is caused by the wear and tear of cartilage surrounding the femur and pelvic bones. Protective cartilage surrounding these bones can be worn down through inflammation or injury, often leading to a limited range of motion, pain and swelling. Many people with hip arthritis report difficulty sleeping due to constant discomfort and pain, but there are several things you can do to sleep with arthritic hip pain.


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      Sleep in a recliner. Hip arthritis makes it hard to lie flat for long periods, so try sleeping in a recliner with your legs slightly elevated. Lying in this position helps with circulation, keeps blood flow moving to the hips and eases pain. Using an leg-elevating pillow can help hip pain the same way, and can be used lying flat in bed.

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      Talk to your doctor. You may need to be on medication to help manage your pain so you can sleep. If your pain is chronic, taking low-dose anti-depressants can help disrupt the pain and allow you to get some rest. Cortisone shots can also bring relief from hip discomfort.

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      Use heat therapy. Take a hot bath before bed to loosen tight joints and improve circulation. Use a heating pad on your hips for a half hour before bed to achieve the same effects. Do not use heat compression for longer than 30 minutes, since overheated delicate hip tissues can cause more pain than relief.

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      Get a good mattress. Find a mattress that won't sag unevenly. A firm mattress can actually cause pressure points and bend the spine, putting pressure on the affected hip. A memory foam mattress is a better choice.

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      Sleep with a pillow between your legs. This will keep your hips even so there is no uneven pressure causing pain to your hips.

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