How to Exercise With Arthrithis Hip Pain

Arthritis physically limits adult Americans more than any other condition. More than 19 million adults have arthritis, and those suffering from arthritis hip pain have it particularly hard, since so much movement stems from the hip. Luckily, this doesn't mean that the pain can only get worse. With the right steps, you can start exercising with arthritis hip pain, and once you start exercising, you and your hip will feel better and healthier.

Things You'll Need

  • Bathtub
  • Swimming pool
  • Bike
  • Yoga mat
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      Consult with your doctor. Arthritis can impact people on different levels, so make sure your doctor feels you are ready to begin exercising with arthritis hip pain.

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      Shed some pounds if you are overweight. One of the main reason for arthritis hip pain is that there is too much weight on the hips. Unfortunately, losing weight can be difficult when you are limited with what you can do physically, so eating a healthy, low calorie diet is essential.

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      Take a hot bath or shower immediately when you wake up. Exposing your muscles to hot water right away will loosen them up for the rest of the day.

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      Walk for 15 minutes every day. This is a simple form of exercise that will keep your hip loose until you feel that you are capable of more strenuous motion.

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      Find an aerobic activity that you are comfortable doing. While jogging is probably going to be painful for your hip at first, non-impact aerobic activities like swimming, biking, and yoga will be easier for it to handle. Doing a variety of workouts, too, is good for you mentally and physically. So rather than biking every day, try biking on Monday, swimming on Wednesday, and yoga on Friday.

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      Continue to go for walks on days when you aren't doing any other exercise so your muscles can stay loose.

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