Fibromyalgia Inpatient Treatment
Causes and Tests
There is no known exact cause for fibromyalgia. It is theorized that defects with the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for transmitting pain messages, cause the condition. Fibromyalgia currently has no cure or medical tests. The medical condition is isolated through tests for urine, blood, lumbar taps and sleep that dismiss other explanations or conditions. Once fibromyalgia is diagnosed, there are various treatment options such as drugs, physical therapy, behavioral therapy among others recommendations. Again, these treatments are not cures but only alleviate symptons thus improving the patient's lifestyle.
The condition will increase pain in the body if left undiagnosed and untreated. This will cause problems for anything tha patient might try to undertake. Other signs and symptoms are attached to fibromyalgia. These symptoms are muscle spasms, migraines, bowel problems and problems eating, chewing and swallowing food. Depression may become an issue as well with worsening fibromyalgia making the condition and life more difficult to cope with.
Medicines are one form of inpatient treatment for fibromyalgia patients. A regimen of antidepressants may be given to patients. Antidepressants are relaxers and are used to counter the effects of depression as well as lowering pain the body and providing a better quality of sleep. Pain medicine is used in fibromyalgia cases. This medicine takes away pain but may not be effective in dealing with pain if the patient does not take it regularly.
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
Several other treatments are available for fibromyalgia patients. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to alter negative thought patterns in the face of highly stressful scenerios. The negative patterns will be substituted with positive patterns of thinking in this therapy. This treatment option is nessassary to cope with the illness. Understanding the condition and its signs and symptoms will help the patient fell good as they are not in the dark about what they are experiencing.
Education and Exercise
Educating yourself will encourage you during times of pain and suffering, as you will know what is happening and you will know that your body is not permanently damaged. Fibromyalgia education comes through peer groups, lectures, people and written material. Exercise helps keep the body loose plus improving sleep and pain problems. Consult with a professional before formulating an exercise regimen.