Arthritis & Thyroid Disease
Hypothyroid Arthritis
Hypothyroid arthritis is the result of excessive amounts of certain proteins being deposited in connective tissues, according to the Cleveland Clinic. This results in aches and pains, but generally inflammation is not present. However, fluid collection and joint thickening occur in about one-third of those suffering from this form of arthritis. An X-ray of an afflicted knee would show thinning of the bone near the joint.
When an individual has rheumatoid arthritis (RA), there is an increased chance of thyroid disease. The disorder that generally pops up is hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid gland.
RA and Hyperthyroidism
If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism along with RA, you may feel fatigued and experience muscle and joint aches and pains and weight gain. It's like being hit with the double whammy. The coexistence of these two conditions can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Todd Nippoldt of the Mayo Clinic points out that hypothyroidism can result in joint and muscle problems. Your knee, hand and foot joints may swell and you may become afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome. The hips and shoulders can become very tender and stiff.
Your Diet
If you are fighting both of this conditions, it is imperative that you maintain a healthy diet, including eliminating artificial sweeteners, particularly Aspartame, Brownstein explains. He also advises eliminating flour, refined sugar and trans fatty acids.