Association of Dietary Intake & Joint Pain
Though there are many causes for joint pain, which include rheumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis among the most common, bursitis, broken bones, simple strains and sprains can also create joint pain. Less common conditions are gout, lupus and bone cancer according to Mayo Clinic.
Fruits and Vegetables
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has many antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties. Bright colored vegetables and fruits are highly recommended according the the website People with arthritis joint pain should eliminate night shade vegetables such as eggplant, potatoes, green and red peppers.
Protein and Fat
The most beneficial protein in your diet for pain relief is fish, as it is high in omega 3 fatty acids. The best ones are salmon, tuna and sardines. Eat low-fat protein such as chicken breasts, turkey and tofu. Flax seeds and walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acids and will help reduce inflammation. Olive and canola oil are the best oils to use for cooking and salads.
Reduce your intake of refined carbs such as white bread, sugar, sweet drinks, chips and cereal. Check bread labels to be sure they are made of whole grains. Whole grain pastas and cereals are available and are also anti-inflammatory. Cook up a batch of whole grain pasta, add some olive oil, garlic, broccoli and chicken breasts for tasty and healthful meal.
Cut back on red meat and dairy products (except non-fat) which are high in saturated fats. Read labels on cans for additives and preservatives. Avoid packaged and prepared meals found in the grocery store. Food allergies are often to blame for joint pain according to the website Trusted MD. Some of the more popular foods that could cause allergic reactions are milk, soy, seafood, peanuts, eggs, chocolate and corn. Eliminate these foods one at a time to check your reaction.