Enbrel Storage Instructions
Storing and Using Enbrel
Enbrel is formulated without preservatives. It is available in three configurations: single-use prefilled syringes, prefilled single-use auto injectors and multi-use vials. Enbrel should be stored out of the reach of children. The needle shield should remain in place until you are ready to administer an injection.
Store Enbrel in the refrigerator and maintain a temperature of 36 to 46 degrees F or 2 to 8 degrees C. Never freeze Enbrel. Enbrel should be stored in its original carton to protect it from light. Allow Enbrel to warm for 15 to 30 minutes before administering an injection. Never recap an Enbrel needle or auto injector.
Used Enbrel injectors and syringes should be stored in a puncture proof container, such as a used coffee can with a plastic lid. Clearly label the container and keep the container out of the reach of children. Do not dispose of used injectors and needles in your regular trash or in the recycling container.
You should remain on a regular schedule with Enbrel, which means you may need to carry a supply with you while travelling. Keep Enbrel in its clearly marked package with the original labels attached. You might also carry a note from a physician indicating your need for medication and sharps. Wrap Enbrel in bubble wrap and pack it into a travel cooler filled with ice. Place a thermometer in the cooler and check it periodically. Add ice as necessary.