Exercises and Stretches for Arthritis
Starting each day with a few simple exercises and stretches specifically for those with arthritis can warm up the joints and keep them flexible and functional. They are also the perfect warm up for other more intense exercises like walking, swimming or weight training so that you are operating at peak performance.
Upper body stretches
Start by standing with your arms straight out in front of you for five seconds, then gently lower them and relax. Perform this exercise a total of ten times.
Next, hold your arms straight behind you until your shoulder blades touch. You will feel a deep stretch. Hold the position for a count of five, release and repeat the exercise a total of 10 times.
Hamstring stretch
The hamstring muscles are a large group of muscles that run up and down the back of your thigh. Stretching these muscles regularly will really result in greater range of motion with less pain.
Start by lying flat on your back. Bring one leg in with the knee bended pointing toward your chest. Put your hands behind your thigh and gently pull it in toward your chest. Stop when you feel the tension of the stretch, hold the position for 10 seconds, and then release. Perform this exercise 10 times, working up to holding each stretch for 20 seconds. Repeat the same moves on the other leg.
Calf stretch
Stand two feet in front of a wall. Place your hands on the wall and lean your body toward it while keeping your feet in place. You will feel a gentle stretch in both calves. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds and return to the starting position. This exercise should be repeated 10 times.