Ways to Help Arthritis When it Rains
Heat Therapy
Take a bath or hot shower using a hand-held shower head to target the neck, back, shoulders and hips. Hold the shower head on the affected areas for a few minutes until the pain subsides. Taking a warm bath in essential oils can warm up the bones, as well as loosen the joints. A whirlpool bath is ideal for those with arthritis. The swirling warm waters can produce wonderful results, temporarily relieving pain. Another form of heat therapy is to sit with a heating pad on the affected areas. Heat has been used by many arthritis sufferers to temporarily reduce pain.
Supplements and Natural Remedies
Take supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Glucosamine has been shown to stimulate the growth of new cartilage. Both glucosamine and chondroitin are known to produce anti-inflammatory results and may help some people who have arthritis. Another alternative to taking over-the-counter or prescription medicines is aquamin which is a red seaweed. Seaweed is naturally high in calcium and magnesium and has been shown to reduce swelling and inflammation. Some arthritis sufferers swear that by taking two tablespoons of tart cherry juice per day has kept their discomfort under control. You can also eat 10 whole tart cherries each day to get the same results. The juice can be purchased at many health and natural food stores.
Massage Therapy
Have a regular massage. Studies have shown that those who have regular massages are more relaxed and have less anxiety associated with arthritis pain. Massage has been used in the treatment of chronic pain for centuries. Therapists still recommend this type of treatment for people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis and other auto-immune diseases.