Holistic Treatment for Osteoarthritis
Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin
Combine glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin as a natural treatment for osteoarthritis. Together they reduce inflammation, tenderness and pain. You can expect increased mobility and function. Normal dosage is 500 mg of glucosamine three times per day and 800 mg of chondroitin or two tablets twice a day.
Use niacinamide as a vitamin supplement to help with inflammation. Niacinamide is part of the vitamin B group. Take 750 mg twice a day for relief of symptoms from osteoarthritis. Niacinamide is often combined with other vitamins to form a multivitamin supplement. When used in conjunction with other vitamins it has been used to treat diabetes and acne.
Bryonia is also known as wild hops. Bryonia root extract is mixed with alcohol to form a liquid treatment. It has been known to relieve joints that are very inflamed and swollen. The dosage of Bryonia depends on weight, age and health. Check with your nutritionist or physician to find the correct amount for you. Bryonia is a toxic member of the gourd family. Care should be given when taking bryonia. Make sure you take the correct dosage.
Take 1,000 to 2,000 mg of MSM every day as needed for pain and inflammation. MSM is an organic form of sulfur, which is used to reduce inflammation. MSM makes cell walls more flexible, which can ease the stiffness, and pain that is caused by arthritis. MSM is an excellent natural treatment because it does not interfere with other medications and typically does not cause any side effects. This treatment helps detoxify the body and can prevent the muscles from becoming sore. MSM can be found in many foods such as cabbage, dried beans, garlic, meat and eggs. MSM is often found in cream and lotion form, which can be rubbed directly on the inflamed area.