Herbal Relief for Arthritis & Back Pain
Devil's Claw
Devil's claw is an excellent herb for low back pain and arthritic conditions. The extract of devil's claw can be used for virtually any problem or condition. This herb has compounds called iridoid glycosides, which provide painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties. Take two to three capsules, two to three times per day, or drink as a tea one to two times daily.
Use this herb for the aches and pains of arthritis. Apply as a cream or ointment to unbroken skin as often as necessary. Do not use this herb if a rash develops, and do not ingest internally. Typically, dried arnica flower head (one part) and vegetable oil (five parts) can be used to make 15 percent arnica oil or 20 to 25 percent tincture. Arnica is safe to use topically and will not interact with prescription medications.
Ginger is loaded with antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, especially swelling of the joints that many people experience with arthritis. Used long-term, ginger can reduce free radical damage that is responsible for worsening arthritic conditions and promoting cancer development. To consume ginger as a dry powder, take one to two tsp daily, or take one capsule three times per day.
Angelica is another ideal herb for arthritis, because it has a warming and stimulating effect on the body. Add to a hot bath or use topically as a compress. The tincture form of this herb is most effective. Use hot water to dilute the tincture; place in a cloth and apply as a compress. To use as a massage oil for arthritic joints, dilute roughly 10 drops of Angelica oil and 25 ml of sunflower or almond oil and apply. When you take a bath, you can also add five drops of this oil to the water. Pregnant women should not use this herb.
White Willow Bark
White willow bark is most useful for muscle pain and flare-ups; this herb is abundant in salicylates, an active ingredient in aspirin, and is recognized as an effective anti-inflammatory. Consume one teaspoon, in tincture form, three times per day. Combine with other arthritis friendly herbs, such as yellow dock or angelica for additional arthritis relief. To drink as a tea, finely chop two to three grams of white willow bark and add to cold water; heat to a boil, remove from the heat, and steep for five minutes. Consume one cup three to five times per day. White willow is also available in capsule form; take two capsules every three hours. Do not consume this herb if you're taking other salicylates, such as aspirin or NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications).
All of these herbs can be found online or in your local natural health store. Consult your physician before taking any alternative remedies, especially if you're pregnant or nursing. Some herbs may interact with prescription and over-the-counter drugs. You can also visit your local herbalist or naturopathic doctor for more information on how these herbs can help your specific type of arthritis.