Asthma Air Duct Recommendations
Cleaning Air Ducts
Start by having your air ducts cleaned out twice per year and changing the filter on your furnace regularly. This prevents dust mites and other allergens from circulating with the heat.
Block Off Some Vents
The person who has asthma should sleep in a room with a closed off vent. You can do this by covering the vent with an aluminum cover and duct tape. Keeping sleeping areas dust-free is very important because people spend so much time in these areas.
Air Conditioning
Run the air conditioning on days with high pollen counts or high humidity. Some municipalities also track outdoor air quality, so turn the air conditioning on when the quality is poor. Change the filter on your air conditioner regularly as well.
Other Options
Consider buying a HEPA air filter for the bedroom of the person with asthma. This filters the air of dust and allergens. Dust the home frequently and remove as much of the carpeting as possible since carpeting can also dramatically worsen asthma symptoms.