Levomethamphetamine Inhaler Abuse

Levomethamphetamine is an active ingredient most commonly found in over-the-counter nasal inhalers. It is also known as levmethamfetamine, l'methamphetamine, levodesoxyephedrine and l-desoxyephedrine.
  1. Function

    • Levomethamphetamine inhalers are designed to diminish nasal congestion by constricting the blood vessels, thus reducing mucus and swelling in the nasal passage.


    • Substance abusers remove the levomethamphetamine soaked cotton insert and swallow it whole, or inhale more than the recommended dosage to experience a drug-induced euphoria, or "high." In the U.S, the term has been changed to levmethamfetamine in a bid to reduce substance abuse.

    Side Effects

    • No clinical studies that have evaluated levomethamphetamine's addiction potential (as of 2010), but abuse may result in withdrawal symptoms. Other side effects include stomach cramps, hypertension, headaches and tremors, while some clinical studies found that high doses may cause temporary dizziness.

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