Types of Pneumatic Nebulizers
This type uses gas pressure to pull the liquid medication out of a reservoir, turning it into a fine mist. It is inexpensive but delivers no more than 10 percent of the medication to the patient. The prescription takes that into account, so the patient receives the proper dosage despite the inefficiencies of the device.
This pneumatic nebulizer is similar to the jet with the exception of the vent that allows more mist to be received by the patient when inhaling, thus delivering more medication than the jet system. This type also provides quicker delivery of the medication, up to 50 percent faster than jet nebulizers.
This system produces mist when inhaling but not when exhaling like the other types. The effect is to increase the efficiency of delivery up to 30 percent. While efficiency increases, according to Respiratory Care, the rate at which the drug is administered decreases, so the patient takes longer to receive his medication.