Do you know the stages of asthma symptoms?

The stages of asthma symptoms are typically classified into four levels:

1. Intermittent Asthma:

- Mild and infrequent symptoms

- Occur less than twice a week

- Nighttime symptoms less than twice a month

- No limitation on daily activities and exercise

2. Mild Persistent Asthma:

- More frequent symptoms

- Occur more than twice a week but less than once a day

- Nighttime symptoms more than twice a month

- May have some limitations on activities and exercise

3. Moderate Persistent Asthma:

- Daily asthma symptoms

- Frequent nighttime symptoms

- More substantial limitations on activities and exercise

- May require daily medication to control symptoms

4. Severe Persistent Asthma:

- Continuous asthma symptoms throughout the day and night

- Frequent exacerbations or flare-ups

- Significant limitations on activities and exercise

- Requires intensive treatment and close monitoring.

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