| | Conditions Treatments | Asthma
How to Make a High-Volume Nebulizer
Things You'll Need
- Clean bottle of water, 12 oz. size
- Duct tape
- Utility knife
Cut out the bottom of the bottle of water. You can use a utility knife to make the entire cut, or you can use the knife to start the cut and finish it with a pair of sharp scissors.
Slice the mouth of the bottle away so there is a smooth, flat curve at the top with a hole in it.
Line the sharp edges along the cutout at the bottom of the bottle with duct tape. This is where your nose and mouth will be placed so the duct tape will protect from any cuts and scrapes.
Cover the upper hole of the bottle with duct tape, leaving a slit or opening in which to insert the tip of your inhaler or hose from a compressed-air machine, if that is how you meter aerosol inhalants.