How to Open Up Your Airways
Perform a breathing retraining exercise that helps you release more old, stale air from your lungs and bring in more fresh air. Since the diaphragm is a muscle, exercising it helps your airway stay open longer when breathing out.
Sit in a chair or stand with your back and knees slightly bent. Put one hand on your chest and one on your abdomen.
Breathe through you nose as you relax your abdominal muscles. Feel you diaphragm contract and your abdomen expand. Make sure you chest barely moves. This is called diaphragmatic breathing.
Purse your lips together as you exhale like you would if you were whistling This creates pressure on you airways that helps keep them open. Exhale slowly, taking twice as long as you would to inhale. Visualize your lungs opening and closing as you breathe. This technique helps relax and opens your airway.