How to Use MDIs & Spacers for Children

Metered-Dose Inhalers (MDIs) distribute aerosol medications to patients with asthma. Young children may have trouble breathing in properly from an MDI and as a result, they may not get the full dose of medication. A spacer is a device that attaches to the inhaler that collects the aerosol medication. The child can then breathe in the medication more readily from the spacer. Supervise each dose your young child takes with an MDI and a spacer to ensure he uses the devices properly.


    • 1

      Instruct your child to shake the inhaler 3 to 4 times and remove the cap from the mouthpiece of the spacer.

    • 2

      Insert the inhaler into the other end of the spacer.

    • 3

      Instruct your child to take a breath and exhale away from the MDI mouthpiece.

    • 4

      Insert the MDI mouthpiece into your child's mouth, instructing him to make a seal around the mouthpiece with his lips.

    • 5

      Press the button at the top of the inhaler once to release a dose into the spacer.

    • 6

      Encourage your child to take a deep, slow breath and remove the spacer and inhaler. If she breathes in too fast, the device will make a whistling sound.

    • 7

      Have your child count to at least five, but encourage him to hold his breath to a count of 10 if he can manage it. It may help to instruct him to count "one elephant, two elephants..." silently.

    • 8

      Have her exhale slowly through the nose, not the mouth.

    • 9

      Wait 30 seconds before taking a second puff, but only if the pediatrician has prescribed two puffs at once.

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