Xopenex Uses
Asthma is a condition that affects people of all ages. Asthma constricts the airways, making it difficult for a person to breathe. People with asthma may begin wheezing and coughing during an asthma attack. Exercise often triggers attacks, but so do exposure to dust mites, cigarette smoke, pets or pollen. Some people may have an attack if they eat certain types of food. Xopenex works against asthma by relaxing the muscles around the airways. Xopenex does not prevent asthma attacks before they happen.
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis takes years to develop; it is characterized by chronically swollen and scarred airways. This condition mostly affects people over the age of 45. People with chronic bronchitis often suffer from difficult breathing because of a buildup of thick mucus that tightens the chest muscles; they may also develop a cough. Xopenex can be used to alleviate these symptoms; one puff of the fast-acting drug can soothe constricted chest muscles and calm down a person's raspy cough or wheezing.
Emphysema is a condition associated with long-term smokers; people who develop emphysema damage the air sacs in the lungs that carry oxygen to the blood. People with emphysema are afflicted by a frequent cough and shortness of breath. Many people with emphysema cannot breathe without the assistance of oxygen pills or an oxygen machine. Xopenex can only help those whose emphysema has not progressed to this level, and Xopenex will not slow down the progression of this long-term, progressive disease. Xopenex only provides temporary relief.
Exploratory Uses
Several off-label uses exist for Xopenex, including aiding those with respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia or the flu. With pneumonia, patients often experience difficulty breathing due to airways constricted by layers of mucus. Xenopenex can help open up the airways to make breathing more comfortable. Doctors may also prescribe Xopenex to patients who have hyperkalemia, a condition of too much potassium in the blood.