How to Improve Asthma With an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Brightly colored fruits and vegetables reduce inflammation. Eat seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Choose from a colorful variety such as oranges, strawberries, blueberries, spinach and red cabbage. The brighter colors contain more phytochemicals, which will reduce the inflammation in your body.
Whole-grain foods are more nutritious and filling than food made from processed grains. Eat whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa and barley. These are grains with minimal or no processing. Whole grains provide disease-fighting antioxidants, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and fiber, which all contribute to reducing inflammation in the body. Avoid white flour, white rice and wheat that does not say "whole wheat," as these contain minimal nutrients and do not fill you up.
Grilled chicken breast is a good source of lean protein. Eat healthy sources of protein like fish, chicken, nuts and beans. Do not eat red meat more than twice a week and be certain it has almost no visible fat as the excess fat can contribute to inflammation. Dairy products provide protein but can be high in fat so stick with nonfat milk, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cheese. Aim for two to four servings of protein daily.
Extra virgin olive oil is a healthy fat. Consume two to three servings of healthy fats and/or plant oils daily. This includes avocados, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil and flax. Avoid coconut oil, palm oil, margarine, shortening, butter and anything that has "partially hydrogenated" in the ingredient list. These contain saturated fats, which are harmful to the body.
Fish oil capsules are an excellent source of omega 3. Include at least one source of omega 3 in your diet every day. This includes wild salmon, flax oil, walnut oil, omega 3-enriched eggs and fish-oil supplements. The American Heart Association advises people who already have heart disease to take 1 gram a day. The anti-inflammatory effect of omega 3 is helpful for heart disease, asthma, diabetes and numerous other diseases.
Walking and running are good choices for exercise. Exercise for 30 minutes per day at least five days per week. This can reduce stress, which triggers inflammation. Excess body weight can also cause inflammation in the body, so exercise and follow the food plan to stay lean.