How do I Prevent Asthma Triggered by Sawdust?
It is possible to prevent some asthma attacks by identifying the cause of the attack before the attack starts. Once the cause of the attack has been identified, asthma sufferers can take measures to avoid items that trigger their asthma by replacing the items with non-irritant substitutes or wearing surgical masks to avoid breathing in the irritant.
Things You'll Need
- Surgical mask or bandanna
- Doctor-prescribed medication
Prevent Asthma Triggered by Sawdust
Avoid the irritant. If your asthma is triggered by breathing in sawdust, avoiding places where sawdust is commonly present or used is a good way to significantly reduce your chances of suffering an asthma attack.
If you have to enter an area where sawdust is used, try to limit your exposure by staying in areas with good airflow and keeping your distance from the irritant.
Use a substitute. If you have asthma that is triggered by exposure to sawdust and you commonly need sawdust for something, you should look for possible alternatives to use. Sawdust can sometimes be replaced by small chopped-up rubber pieces or pellets.
Wear a mask. Asthma attacks are commonly triggered by breathing in the allergen. If you have to come into contact with the allergen, wear a surgical mask or bandanna over your mouth and nose to avoid inhaling the trigger.
This is not a foolproof method of preventing asthma attacks, but it may help reduce exposure to the sawdust which could cause the attack.
Always be sure to take all doctor-prescribed medicine for your condition. Missing doses of preventative medication could increase your chances of suffering an asthma attack when exposed to irritants.
As with any health condition, the better physical shape you are in, the less affected you will be by an asthma attack. If your lungs are healthy and you can breathe deeply without becoming winded while performing regular tasks and activities, you are better equipped to handle asthma attacks and exposure to the irritants which can cause asthma attacks.