A Salt Lamp for Asthma
The theory with salt lamps is that warmed salt gives off negative ions, similar to electric negative-ion generators. The negative ions attach to allergen particles in the air. This causes the particles to attach to a surface like a wall or to attach to other particles, making them heavier so they fall to the ground rather than remaining airborne.
Avoiding and reducing triggers such as airborne allergens is one of the primary methods for controlling and avoiding asthma attacks.
Removing allergens and pollutants from the air may reduce the occurrence of asthma symptoms. Some doctors also believe that negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, alleviating symptoms of depression.
Expert Insight
Ionizers can be somewhat effective for removing particles from the air, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, the EPA also notes that there is weak evidence in the effectiveness of removing small particles from the air, and that large particles fall rapidly on their own. In addition, there is some dispute whether a light bulb-warmed salt crystal can even emit negatively charged ions.
Asthma can be a serious and life-threatening condition. Always consult your doctor when implementing any kind of treatment, and never stop a prescribed treatment plan without her knowledge.