How to Prevent & Cure Asthma
Find out if you have a family history of asthma. If so, get tested for allergies and avoid those allergens whenever possible. Common allergens that may trigger asthma attacks include dust mites, pollen, dander and mold.
Avoid exposure to irritants. Infants are more likely to get asthma if they are exposed to dust mites and tobacco smoke. Adults should avoid cigarette smoke, exhaust and chemical fumes, perfumes, chalk and powder dust, and smog and air pollution to help keep their airways open.
Know and avoid triggers if your asthma is already diagnosed or present. This will make the disease more manageable and less life-threatening.
Maintain an allergen-free home. Use allergen-proof covers for pillows and wash blankets and bed sheets in hot water. Get rid of carpets and large rugs, curtains and stuffed furniture. If you are allergic to animal dander, get rid of pets, or at least keep them outside.
Consult your physician, and take medications as prescribed. A combination of medicines can treat both asthma causes and symptoms. Over-the-counter or herbal remedies do not work quickly enough during an attack to be useful, and are not recommended by doctors.
Learn more about asthma. Every day new discoveries are being made about the disease. Discovering what causes asthma and different ways to control it will offer you the best means of living with this breathing problem. Organizations such as the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America offer pamphlets, online resources and support groups to educate people about the disease.