Natural Asthma Remedies
Eat mostly a vegetarian diet. Green leafy vegetables have a high magnesium content that helps relax the bronchial muscles. This reduces the severity of asthma attacks. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water with lemon. This cuts the mucous in the throat that aggravates asthma symptoms during an attack. Reduce sodium and starch intake. High amounts of sodium bring on more frequent attacks. Avoid dairy products and the mucous that it produces. Other foods to pass up are soft drinks, caffeine, fried food, sulfites, MSG and sugary foods.
Use hot compresses or hot-water bottles applied to the chest. This will relieve the tightness in the bronchial muscles. Regular massage therapy reduces stress and promotes relaxation. Try deep-breathing exercises to help train your body to breath better. This helps oxygenate your blood and counteracts the effects of the shallow breathing during an attack. Take a walk every day to build up your endurance. Avoid tobacco smoke that damages your lungs. Keep away from pollen as much as possible. Try to stay indoors during days with a high pollen count. Do not cut the grass or even be outside while the lawn is being mowed. Do not have a pet. Pet dander is a common asthma trigger. If you already have a family pet, then be sure to bath your pet weekly. Keep your pet out of rooms that you spend most of your time in like the bedroom. Wash your hands after contact with your pet.
House Cleaning
Clean your house at least once a week. Your house contains asthma triggers everywhere. Dust mites are just one trigger that your home harbors. Wash all your fabric surfaces. Dust mites love to hide in fabrics and can even be in your curtains. While cleaning, wear a respiratory mask to keep out the dust. Vacuum your home often and use a damp rag to dust. Keep your home free of mold. Mold spreads through spores, which cause asthma attacks. Examine your closets every couple of weeks for mold growth. Check your houseplants every time you water them. Mold grows quickly and needs to be caught immediately to prevent spreading. Stay out of attics, basements and other musty places. Have someone else clean these spaces if possible. Wash your clothes in detergent without perfumes and dyes. Clean the dust out of heating vents and fans.