Helium for Asthma
Heliox can provide rapid relief during an asthma attack. A sudden asthma attack causes breathing airways to narrow, increasing turbulence and resistance as you try to breathe. Heliox creates less resistance in the airways than oxygen because of its low density. Because helium is an inert gas, there are no side effects. Helium has no taste or smell, is noncombustible and non-explosive, and will not interact with the body's normal biochemical processes.
Heliox will make alveolar ventilation more efficient. Heliox also helps the body to use the oxygen that is inhaled more efficiently, and to release the carbon dioxide that should be exhaled. This process is called "alveolar ventilation."
The mixture percentage is determined by the level of acuity. For acute asthma episodes, heliox is administered with a non-rebreathing oxygen mask. The level of acuity determines the mixture of helium and oxygen, with 80-percent helium and 20-percent oxygen being the standard.
Patient assessment is important during adminstration of heliox. A patient is first given medication, with heliox being a secondary measure. The patient will then be assessed on an hourly basis. If the patient has not shown considerable improvement after eight hours of using heliox, other measures should be considered.
The cost of heliox is relatively low compared to other medical procedures. The cost of heliox is relatively small when compared to other medical costs. It can be as low as $7 to $10 per hour (in 2010), not including the supplemental oxygen that it is mixed with, or the cost of the mask and tubing.