Pets & Asthma
Living the good life. Animal allergens travel through the air. Even if the pet is isolated, the allergen can be carried anywhere. If you can't give up your pets, keep them out of sleeping areas and away from upholstered furniture and carpets.
Cute but potentially dangerous if you have asthma. Any animal with fur can cause asthma attacks. The most troublesome pets are cats, dogs, rodents, birds and horses. The only way to avoid a reaction is to stay away from all furry and feathery creatures.
Live Well The market is full of safe oral and inhaling drugs that can control asthma. Check with your doctor for the best treatment for you.
Asthma Symptoms
Keep Breathing Asthma is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. In an asthma attack, breathing is restricted because this respiratory disease blocks the lungs, especially when breathing out.
Snakes are safer pets for asthma sufferers. Cold-blooded alternatives, such fish, snakes, reptiles, turtles and even hermit crabs, would be healthier pets if you suffer from asthma.