How to Prime Flovent MDI
Make sure the new MDI is at room temperature. Place the packaged Flovent MDI on a shelf or counter where it can reach room temperature. If the MDI is too cold or too hot, the actuator will not release a correct dose.
Throw away the packaging. Remove the new Flovent MDI from the foil pouch. Discard the pouch with the drying packet into a suitable refuse container.
Return to the pharmacy if the counter does not read 124. Insert the aluminum canister into the orange plastic actuator. Make sure it is firmly seated. The counter on the back of the actuator should read 124. If it does not, return it to the pharmacy and ask for a new MDI.
Release four sprays from a new canister, one spray from a used canister. Shake the Flovent MDI for approximately five seconds. Remove the cap from the actuator. Point the device away from your face and press down once on the silver canister, releasing a single spray of medication. Shake and spray the MDI three more times. The counter should now read 120.
Prime the MDI if not used within seven days. If you have not used the MDI within seven days, or if it has been dropped, shake the MDI for five seconds, remove the cap from the mouthpiece, point the actuator away from your face and spray the MDI one time.