Proper Use of Spiriva Handihaler
Correct Condition
If your doctor prescribes Spiriva, it means that you have COPD, as this is the condition that Spiriva manages. Unlike other inhalers, which can be used for a variety of conditions, Spiriva is used only for COPD in most settings. Don't use the Spiriva for asthma. Spiriva is used as a once-daily treatment, and is meant to manage your condition. Therefore, it should not be used as a rescue inhaler. Ask your doctor about rescue inhalers that you can use if you have a sudden attack.
Correct Usage
Use the Spiriva Handihaler correctly to insure that you are getting the correct dosage and that you are managing your COPD. You first need to make sure that there is nothing in your handihaler; pop it open and check to see that no debris has gotten into it. Remove anything you find. Then, have a Spiriva capsule ready.
Get the Handihaler ready. First, open up the dust cap, by pressing down on the green piercing button. Underneath it, you'll find the mouthpiece. Pull this open as well. Open one of the blisters of Spiriva so the pill is exposed and put it in your hand. It is important to remember that you should only open up the blisters right before you intend to take your medication. Don't store the medication anywhere else, including in the handihaler. Open it up only when you want to use the medicine.
Drop the pill into the center chamber. It doesn't matter which of the ends of the pill is placed in the chamber. Click down the mouthpiece, but leave the dust cap off. It is now time to pierce the medication, which puts holes in it to allow you to breathe it in. Push down on the green piercing button until it is completely depressed.
Before you breathe it in, make sure that you have exhaled completely. Then, raise the handihaler to your mouth, close your lips around it, and breathe in as deeply as you can. Hold your breath for as long as it is comfortable. In order to make sure that you have gotten the entire dose, repeat this once more.
As you breathe in, you should hear or feel the pill vibrate in the chamber. If you do, you know it is working. If you don't, try it again, after tapping the Handihaler on the table. If you still don't feel or hear it vibrate, discuss it with your doctor.
When you are finished, open up the chamber again and throw away the used pill.