Asthma Control Naturist Treatment
According to the Mayo Clinic, asthma triggers vary from person to person but may include: respiratory infections such as the common cold, airborne allergens such as pollen and mold, cold air, tobacco smoke and physical activity. Additional triggers include: gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), allergic reactions to food, stress and certain medications such as beta blockers and aspirin.
Risk Factors
The Mayo Clinic says you are most likely to develop asthma if you have a family history of the condition, experience exposure to second-hand smoke, developed frequent upper respiratory infections as a child or live in urban areas with excessive air pollution.
Naturist Treatment
Simple lifestyle changes are the best naturist treatment for controlling asthma symptoms. The Mayo Clinic suggests maintaining low levels of humidity within your home, changing furnace and air conditioner filters regularly, cleaning your home weekly and covering your face during cold weather.
Supplement Treatment
Dr. Clayton L. Natta suggests taking 50 milligrams of B6 daily to reduce asthma symptoms. Natta recommends consulting with your doctor before taking supplements for asthma and warns that mega-doses of vitamin B6 can be toxic.
Dr. Allan Becker suggests drinking two cups of coffee if you find yourself without an inhaler. According to Becker's research, asthmatics given caffeine pills with the same amount of caffeine found in two cups of coffee experienced improved breathing. Becker doesn't recommend relying on caffeine for treatment; it should only be used to tide you over until you can get an inhaler or medical attention.