Asthma & Cognitive Functioning in Children
Sleep Disturbance
Children with nocturnal asthma, which is asthma that worsens at night, have more disturbed sleep than non-asthmatics. These children with nocturnal asthma do not perform as well on some memory and concentration tests.
Circadian Peak Expiratory Flow Variation
Circadian peak expiratory flow (PEF) shows that PEF peaks in the late afternoon and is at its lowest level in the very early morning. A study conducted by Els J. M. Weersink and colleagues demonstrated that a large variation in circadian peak expiratory flow resulted in lower daytime cognitive functioning.
Symptom Perception
Children with lower results on cognitive tests, in particular those test that measure ability to pay attention, were less able to assess and manage asthma symptoms.
According to a study published in the Archives of Diseases in Childhood, children with asthma scored significantly worse than non-asthmatics on delayed recall tests. They also trended towards poorer performance on immediate recall tests.
Sustained Attention
The same study indicated that children with asthma scored slightly lower on tests related to sustained attention.