The Effects of Long-Term Use of Steriod Inhalers
Steroid inhalers can help prevent asthma attacks and help to control asthma symptoms. Inhaled steroids are the most effective when taken on a daily basis. Steroids help to reduce the inflammation in the airways, helping to reduce asthma symptoms.
Inhaled steroids may only contain a steroid medication, or they may be combined with a bronchodilator for better control of asthma symptoms. Inhaled steroids usually come in three different types of inhalers; a dry powder inhaler, a metered dose inhaler and with solutions that are used in a nebulizer.
Common Side Effects Of Long-Term Use
When used in the long term, steroid inhalers may produce some negative side effects. These may include thrush (a yeast infection inside the mouth), dry mouth, sore throat and hoarseness of the voice.
There are some things that can be done to minimize the side effects of steroid inhalers. Rinsing the mouth after each use can help to minimize the risk of thrush in the mouth. Using a spacer with metered dose inhalers may also be helpful in reducing the side effects of this medication.
Every medication carries some risk of side effects, especially when used in the long term. Steroid inhalers are generally safe, and doctors feel that the benefits usually outweigh the risks of side effects. Steroid inhalers have the lowest incidence of side effects when used in lower dosages.