Which Herbs & Nutrients Are Best for Asthma?

Close to 34.1 million people in American are diagnosed with asthma during their lifetime, according to the American Lung Association. Asthma is a medical condition that causes an obstruction of the airways in the lungs, resulting in shortness of breath. While there are many prescription drugs available for the treatment of asthma, there are also a number of herbs and nutrients that can help regulate asthma symptoms and promote healthy lung function.
  1. Flaxseed oil or Primrose Oil

    • Flaxseed oil and primrose oil are essential fatty acids that help treat asthma by providing the body with the nutrients it needs to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins that help reduce inflammation in the lungs.

    Vitamin A

    • Vitamin A is necessary for tissue repair and helps to boost the immune system. Asthmatics are at an increased risk for experiencing respiratory distress from certain illnesses like the cold, flu or pneumonia, which attack the respiratory system. Vitamin A helps to provide immune system support to prevent these illnesses from occurring and helps repair tissue that is damaged from the diseases.

    Vitamin B Complex

    • Vitamin B complex helps to treat asthma as it is beneficial in reducing the symptoms of allergies that can cause respiratory distress. Vitamin B complex is most effectively synthesized by the body when taken in sublingual or injection form.

    Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids

    • Vitamin C with added bioflavonoids helps to protect lung tissue which reduces the risk of lung infection. Bioflavonoids are nutrients that are added to vitamin C to enhance its performance and improve its absorption. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids also helps to reduce pain and inflammation and can improve air flow through the lungs.

    Magnesium Plus Calcium

    • A magnesium supplement that contains a calcium additive can help to dilate bronchial muscles and improve air flow. This nutrient also helps to promote lung health by naturally increasing the vital capacity within the lungs.

    Mullein Oil

    • Mullein oil is used by asthmatics to help unclog bronchial tubes and stop coughing. The oil can be added to fruit juice or tea for consumption.

    Lobelia Extract

    • Lobelia extract is helpful when it is used during an asthma attack as it helps to smooth bronchial muscles and act as an expectorant to help remove fluid that may be contributing to shortness of breath. Though lobelia extract is a powerful treatment for asthma, it should not be consumed on an ongoing basis and should only be taken as needed.


    • Cayenne pepper is an antispasmodic that helps reduce muscle spasms that cause spasmodic asthma attacks. Cayenne also helps to improve blood flow and circulation which helps to improve blood flow to the lungs and prevent stagnation to the entire respiratory system.


    • Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties which help to boost the immune system and prevent illness from occurring. Garlic is also an anti-inflammatory that reduces inflammation in the lungs that can contribute to asthma attacks. For garlic to work effectively it must be consumed raw as heating or processing garlic will kill the medicinal qualities the herb contains.

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