How to Check Inhalers
Things You'll Need
- Inhaler
- Pharmacy or box receipt
- Notebook
- Calendar
- Stickers
Remove your inhaler from the bag and box, and tear the pharmacy receipt off the bag or box and keep it in a safe place. Write the date you purchased your inhaler on your calendar. If the inhaler should last a month, write down the proposed date for buying your next inhaler on your calendar. Test the inhaler when you first purchase it: remove the cap, shake it several times and, pressing down on the canister, spray it once. Watch to make sure medication comes out. Store your inhaler in a safe location.
Record the number of total doses or metered sprays that your inhaler contains. Use a calendar or notebook for your records, or order stickers online from and afix one to the inhaler. Each time you take a puff from your inhaler, record it as one dose or metered spray. Continue to track your usage each day. Subtract the number of doses you use from the total number of doses in the canister, according to Reorder your medication when you have about 20 to 30 doses remaining to avoid running out.
Learn how to read inhalers with meters. Check the numbers of any metered inhaler after each use. Reorder the medication before you run out.