Asthma & Heart Rate in Children
No Exacerbation
Normal heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation typically indicate absence of asthma exacerbation.
Mild Exacerbation
Heart rate less than 100 beats per minute and increased respiratory rate may indicate a mild asthma exacerbation.
Moderate Exacerbation
Elevated heart rate of 100 to 120 beats per minute, increased respiratory rate and reduced oxygen saturation may indicate a moderate asthma exacerbation.
Severe Exacerbation
A severe asthma exacerbation is characterized by significantly elevated heart rate to more than 120 beats per minute, significantly increased respiratory rate and significantly reduced oxygen saturation.
Imminent Respiratory Arrest
Imminent respiratory arrest may be indicated by below-normal heart rate or bradychardia, which can indicate hypoxemia. Hypoxemia, which is low levels of arterial blood oxygen, and other symptoms can indicate severe oxygen deprivation leading to imminent respiratory arrest.