Why Do I Have Shortness of Breath & Rapid Breathing?
Smoking is the No. 1 cause of emphysema, a condition characterized by shortness of breath and rapid breathing.
Panic Attacks
Shortness of breath and rapid breathing that are sudden and severe could stem from a panic attack. Keep a log of when this occurs and what seems to bring on your shortness of breath. Share this with your health care provider.
Shortness of breath at rest, with activity or exercise, when lying down or upon exposure
to allergens, may indicate an underlying condition like asthma or heart problems.
Heart Failure
If you have a history of heart failure, shortness of breath is a serious condition. A cardiologist can determine what course of medication will assist you or whether you need other treatments.
Chemical Fumes
Paint fumes and car exhaust can damage your lungs and cause both rapid breathing and shortness of breath. Avoid exposure to them.