How to Tell the Difference Between Asthma and Bronchial Adenoma
Difference Between Asthma & Bronchial Adenoma
Understand asthma and bronchial adenoma. Asthma is a chronic condition which requires medication such as inhaled medication. Asthma develops when your lungs produces extra mucus which blocks your airways. Bronchial adenoma, however, is a type of noncancerous tumor which develops in your airways. According to The University of Florida Health System (UF&Shands), bronchial adenoma can spread to other areas of your body. Metastasizing, however, is rare. The tumor either slowly starts in your lung or trachea and cause blockage in your lungs or the collapse of the lobe of your affected lung.
Know the asthma and bronchial adenoma symptoms. With asthma, you'll notice times when you're feeling fine and other times when you experience mild or severe symptoms called asthma attacks. You'll feel shortness of breath, pain or tightness in your chest and wheezing.
Bronchial adenoma symptoms include coughing, wheezing and your coughing produces bloody mucus or blood which is called hemoptysis. It resembles either a bubbly mixture of mucus and air or streaks of bright red or rust-colored blood within mucus, according to UF & Shands. Or you can have a dry cough that lasts longer than six weeks. You'll also experience difficulty breathing, stridor and fever.
Know the triggers. Although the cause of bronchial adenoma is unknown, asthma occurs from triggers. Some triggers include cold air, exercise or air pollutants. Medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs an aspirin, causes asthma attacks too. Bronchial adenoma isn't affected by triggers.
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