| | Conditions Treatments | Asthma
Effect & Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma is a chronic condition affecting the lungs and airways. An asthma attack is a frightening experience and can be triggered by any number of factors including dust, smoke, and pet dander. It is important to recognize the effects and symptoms of asthma.-
A feeling of constriction or tightness of the muscles around the patient's airway happens during an asthma attack. This is a result of narrowing of the airways, muscle spasms and bronchial secretions.
During an asthma attack, the lungs and airways become swollen and irritated.
Chest tightness
A patient may feel as if something were being tightly wrapped around his chest.
Shortness of breath
It may become very difficult to breathe during an asthma attack.
Asthma patients may develop a persistent, hacking cough. Sometimes a wheezing or whistling sound is present, as air is being forced through the airways.
If asthma is left untreated, it can cause life-long damage to the patient's lung function or, worse, result in death from cardiac arrest.