How to Use Triage for Asthma
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil or pen
Ask the patient if he or she has been diagnosed with asthma.
Ask the patient if they are taking any prescription or over the counter (OTC) medicine for their asthma and write the names down on a piece of paper.
Obtain information on how the medication is taken. It is by inhaler, spacer, nebulizer or pills? Write this down.
Ask if a peak flow meter is used. If yes, ask what the baseline reading is, and if unsure, what color the arrow has reached - green, yellow or red. Write this down.
Perform a symptom analysis. Ask the patient if there is: persistent wheezing even after medication is taken, difficulty breathing or unable to breathe while laying down, blue lips, weakness, or a peak flow meter reading of below 50%. If yes, tell them to seek emergency care immediately or to call an ambulance if their breathing difficulty is too severe.
Tell patients who are experiencing vomiting, some shortness of breath and/or a peak flow meter reading of between 50 - 80% to seek medicial care in two - four hours if symptoms persist.
Request and reassure patients who are experiencing fever, an unresponsive to medicine cough, yellow or green phglem, or a peak flow meter reading above 80% to seek medical care in twenty-four hours if symptoms persist.
Properly document symptoms, advice given and or care provided.