Homemade Remedies for Infantile Asthma
When coughing and the struggle to breath affect your infant, it is suggested that you get him into a room filled with steam as soon as possible. A bathroom with the hot shower turned on or a vaporizer in the bedroom will be effective. Drops of eucalyptus oil in the vaporizer or shower will also help or a drop on a tissue, which is held near the baby's nose but not touching. Also, caraway seeds can be put in boiling water. This steam will expand the bronchial passage.
The vapors given off by honey have a beneficial affect on children with asthma. Hold a jar of honey under the nose of a child suffering an asthma attack. Let her draw in the honey vapors to enable easier and deeper breathing. This relief will last for around an hour. The honey contains a blend of ethereal oils and higher alcohols that are comforting for someone with asthma. This homemade remedy for infantile asthma is easy and quick to use. Just keep a jar of good quality honey near by.
Clean up the house
Things that bring on an asthma attack are called triggers. Homemade remedies for infantile asthma include keeping your home as free from triggers as possible. The most common is dander and animal hair. Keep down the mold, dust, and pollen your infant breathes. Don't smoke indoors if there is an infant there who suffers from asthma attacks. Chemicals in the air or food and fluctuations in the weather can also set off attacks. Infant's air passages are very narrow, so they respond to pollutants in the air sooner than most adults. Remedies will not work for long if the cause of the attack remains in the house.
Big Step
If you live in a place where your child is at high risk from contracting asthma, you may want to consider changing residences. Avoid breathing in air that is polluted if you are pregnant. Living in an unclean environment can make your baby more prone to developing asthma. This remedy is not homemade, it means making your home someplace else.