Steroids Used for Asthma
According to the Partners Asthma Center, corticosteroids are a group of steroid hormones that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
According to the Better Health Channel, corticosteroids are not the same as the man-made androgenic-anabolic steroid, which mimic male hormones that alter fertility and the liver.
According to the Partners Asthma Center, to treat the inflammation of asthma, corticosteroids can be taken in tablet or liquid form or by inhalation. Taken as tablets or liquid, the medication is carried throughout the body. When inhaled, the medication is sent directly to the bronchial tubes.
Side Effects of Inhaled Corticosteroids
According to the Mayo Clinic, when inhaled, the corticosteroid may collect in the mouth, which can cause coughing, hoarseness, and a sore throat.
If taken for long periods of time, corticosteroids can increase the risk for cataracts and osteoporosis, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. A lower dose and the addition of another long-term control asthma medicine may be prescribed