Home Remedy to Open Airways
Certain foods are known to help relieve asthma symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and increase pulmonary function while decreasing lung constriction. Foods rich with Omega-3's include salmon, herring, tuna, ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil. Vitamins C and E are rich with antioxidants and they are also anti-inflammatories. Oranges, grapefruits, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes and cauliflower have a lot of Vitamin C. Turkey, pumpkin, peanut butter, almonds, apricots and nectarines are rich in Vitamin E content. Magnesium is a mineral that decreases the occurrence of asthma symptoms and can be found in spinach, beans, lentils, oatmeal, bran cereals and tofu.
Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing exercises can contribute to open airways. One effective technique is pursed lip breathing. This is where you lie down on your back on a flat surface and breathe deeply through your nose only. Keep lips closed and inhale as much as possible. Use your mouth for the exhale, and slowly release the air through pursed lips as if you are whistling. Do this exercise at least five times a day to open up the lungs.
Essential Oils
A study at Cairo University shows there are plenty of essential oils that improve breathing capacity. Oils such as frankincense and rose expand lungs and promote deep breathing. Chamomile, lavender and marjoram oils lessen the occurrence of respiratory spasms and calm bronchial muscles. There are many uses for these oils. They may be used topically on skin, placed in humidifiers and converted to vapors or dropped into a hot bath. These can be used regularly to prevent asthma and allergy symptoms or used for immediate relief when lung capacity becomes constricted.
Water Exercise
No exercise will open up constricted airways faster than working out in water. This includes swimming, water jogging and water aerobics. Once you have been submerged in water from the neck down, the pressure on your body and lungs increases. You must work twice as hard to breathe, which will automatically open up the airways in lungs. If you have your own pool or access to a pool at a gym or YMCA, take full advantage this. Many gyms will offer classes in water aerobics if you need extra instruction.