Asthma Action Plan in Children
Basic Information
The asthma action plan should include the child's name, the name and dose of medications currently being taken and asthma triggers. In addition, the plan should list the child's doctor's name and phone number as well as emergency numbers.
Peak Flow Meter Readings
A baseline reading can be taken when the child is symptom free, using the average of three blows into the meter. The doctor will then make recommendation on action taken when readings fall below the baseline.
Green Zone
The green zone is where the child should be everyday, with no asthma symptoms such as coughing or wheezing. Peak flow readings are 80 to 100 percent of the baseline reading.
Yellow Zone
The yellow zone is when the child has asthma symptoms such as mild shortness of breath. In this zone, peak flow meter readings are 50 to 80 percent of the baseline, and medication will be recommended
Red Zone
When a child is in the red zone, peak flow meter readings fall below 50 percent of the baseline, and urgent care is needed. Symptoms in this zone include severe shortness of breath and rapid breathing.